Cambridge Investments & Research issued the following announcement on Sept. 30.
Cambridge is thrilled to welcome FCG Advisors as new members to the Cambridge Nation family. The enterprise organization, led by John Combias, Thomas Holevas, and Christopher Glatz, joined Cambridge in September. FCG Advisors brings 19 licensed financial professionals and approximately $9 million of annual revenue and nearly $4 billion in AUA.
“Optimum support for enterprise growth, culture, economic and market dynamics are key factors that affect a broker-dealer and its financial professionals in making a change like this,” said Amy Webber, President and CEO of Cambridge. “FCG Advisor’s values closely align with Cambridge. As an enterprise, the firm is competitively positioned with access to expanded resources, reduced risk, and a focus on the growth of their financial professionals and their clients.” Although firms across the industry have been shrinking their offerings, Cambridge continues to strive to offer quality broker-dealer firms, RIAs, and other larger branches of financial professionals’ intelligent flexibility and choice including a comprehensive offering of growth, investment, affiliation, and custodial options.
Previously a broker-dealer and RIA, going forward FCG Advisors will be an enterprise with Cambridge with John Combias, founder and Managing Director of FCG Advisors, operating his enterprise firm. While the terms of the deal are confidential, through the discussions it became clear that the best structure for both firms was for Cambridge to acquire ownership of limited assets of FCG Advisors with Combias maintaining control.
“We plan to further expand our enterprise by taking advantage of Cambridge’s solutions for growth and guidance on best practices to further elevate our success,” said Combias. FCG Advisors had many discussions with independent consultants in identifying their choice of partner for future growth, and in the end, they felt Cambridge was the best fit.
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