Morgan Stanley issued the following announcement on Nov. 1.
Three CEOs from the Multicultural Innovation Lab talk about what they’ve learned and where they want to go.
Starting a company is difficult enough, but owning the role of CEO is something that can take time, as participants in the Multicultural Innovation Lab, Morgan Stanley’s startup accelerator, can attest.
The firm started the Multicultural Innovation Lab in 2017, inviting technology entrepreneurs to work out of our Times Square headquarters. The linchpin of the experience hinges on mentoring. Every company works with dedicated senior leaders across the firm who help coach Lab participants throughout the accelerator program. Meanwhile, Curriculum Days bring professionals from inside and outside the firm to discuss their areas of expertise, rounding out participants’ exposure to a broad range of the knowledge and experience crucial to their strategy, planning and execution.
We sat down with three of this year’s participants to discuss their experiences midway through the Lab, assessing what they’ve learned about running their companies through the content included in the Morgan Stanley program.
SaLisa L. Berrien is Founder and CEO of COI Energy Services, which connects utilities and their business customers to help optimize flexible energy resources.
Modjossorica Elysee is Founder and CEO of BeautyLynk, which provides customers with on-demand beauty professionals at the customer’s desired location.
Lora Ivanova is Co-founder and CEO ofMyLabBox, a comprehensive testing-to-treatment platform for sexually transmitted diseases.
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