AAA Municipal Yield Curve basis points are established

The ICE AAA Municipal Yield Curve was raised by 5 basis points at six months and one year and the two-year spot has stayed the same, with no changes.
Three-year maturities decreased by 2 basis points and five-year maturities decreased by seven basis points, and the seven-year yield fell by 10 basis points. The 10-year fell by 12 basis points, the 15-year fell by 13 basis points, and the 30-year ultimately fell 15 basis points.
The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association Municipal Swap Index reached a new high of 1.71 percent, up from 1 percent in the past. Municipal-to-US Treasury (M/UST) Yield Ratios of high-grade municipal yields were increased by five basis points at six-month and one-year maturities.
Market performance in broad tax-exempt municipal market was mixed with +0.561 percent and then -0.089 percent and -0.458 percent.
Private-activity bonds and tax-exempt advance refunding deals are likely to be done away with due to the recently signed federal tax reform.